General information:
1.Purchases on the Internet platform, available at can be made by private person and companies that provide resale and are registered clients of our company.
2. Orders can be placed via:
- internet platform
- phone, e-mail:
Customer service office, Bratoszewice (close to Lodz):
tel.: +48 42 307 02 24
+ 48 502 656 376
3. Necessary condition for the first order implementation is filling the registration form and sending your registration documents (company full name and address, business registration number document if available).
4. Prices of products displayed in the store are visible after logging on. Depending on the entitlements, the user after logging on has access to the individual price levels.
5. There is no minimum value of the wholesale completed order.
6. For purchased products the customer receives an invoice or receipt. We issue VAT invoices to all customers with tax reference number. If the customer is willing to get receit, the customer service need to be informed.
7. VAT payers should fax an authorisation for issuing VAT invoices without a signature.
8. Payment should be placed on delivery or transfered on the previously established time.
Form and time of delivery:
9. Products ordered in our platform are shipped by trusted and reliable courier companies.
10. There is also a possibility of personal receipt of ordered products in the company's headquarters in 95-011 Bratoszewice, Zatorze 1A street, after prior contact with our customer service office.
11. If your order is placed during working days the realization time is 24 hours. It does not include courier shipment time.
12. For orders placed during work free days or holidays the delivery time is counted from 9:00 am the next business day.
13. Current status of the shipped order can be tracked by logging on the website in the bookmark My Account> Orders.
Shipping cost
14. Shipping costs are individually established with customer depending on the country of his residence or mailing address.
Additional arrangements:
15. In case of incompatibilities of delivery with ordered goods or invoice, a complaint must be notified on the day of the order reception.
16. The presented goods and services do not constitute an offer within the meaning of the civil code. The presentation is only an invitation to start negotiations (according to Art. 71 Civil Code). In case of any questions, please contact customer service office before placing an order. We also reserve the right to resign from processing the order because of important economic reasons.
17. Despite making every possible effort we can not guarantee that the published technical data descriptions, photos and specifications of products visible in the store do not contain defects and errors. Any incompatibilities can not be legal basis for claims.
18. If you have any questions or there are any ambiguities concerning the rules, they should be sent to